On Time | On Budget | Under Control

Sensors Converge 2024

Enter your contact information to receive a download link to the full presentation for our conference talk at Sensors Converge 2024.

(Due to a change in the conference logistics, our 45 minutes speaking timeslot was reduced to 15 minutes. We had far too much material to cover in 15 minutes.) The presentation topic was IOT and Security: What You Need to Know.

Here is the abstract for our talk.

IOT has become ubiquitous. Smaller, lower-powered devices are being deployed everywhere, and those devices must operate correctly and securely. The same devices must also communicate with other systems – peers, controllers, and controlled devices – both correctly and securely. These two concerns sound similar, but there is a world of difference separating them. This session will describe the landscape of security for IOT systems: the threats, the mitigating strategies and technologies, and what to expect in the next 10 years. Attendees will learn what they need to know to scope, design, develop, test, and deploy IOT devices to the field.

Access the full presentation!